Slack Discount

DiscountSlack discount code

Selected Slack users will receive a promotional Trello coupon code via email.

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To be eligible for this offer, you must be a new Trello Business Class customer (i.e., not currently have a paid Trello instance at the time of redemption) and sign up for the paid service before July 1, 2021.

The discount applies only to the first 12 months of the new Trello Business Class annual subscription and Atlassian will only accept credit card payments for the discounted subscription.

At the end of the discounted period, the current publicly available pricing will apply.

Learn more about Trello Business Class pricing here.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the offer?
    1. 30% off one year of Trello Business class (billed annually) for new Trello customers.
  2. How do I redeem the offer?
    1. You need to receive an email from Slack. Offer code is delivered via email from Slack.
  3. How long is the offer available?
    1. The offer from Trello is available until July 1, 2021.
  4. I’m already a Trello Business Class customer, am I eligible?
    1. Existing customers of Trello Business class are not eligible for this offer.
  5. What are the integrations between Slack and Trello?
    1. Slack and Atlassian have several product integrations. Learn more here:
  6. Can we purchase a Slack subscription from Atlassian?
    1. Atlassian does not sell Slack directly to customers. Subscriptions for Slack can be purchased directly from the Slack team.

Selected Slack users will receive a promotional Trello coupon code via email.

To be eligible for this offer, you must be a new Trello Business Class customer (i.e., not currently have a paid Trello instance at the time of redemption) and sign up for the paid service before July 1, 2021.


The discount applies only to the first 12 months of the new Trello Business Class annual subscription and Atlassian will only accept credit card payments for the discounted subscription.

At the end of the discounted period, the current publicly available pricing will apply.


Learn more about Trello Business Class pricing here.

Slack Discounts

Frequently Asked Questions

Slack Discount Pricing

  1. What is the offer?
    1. 30% off one year of Trello Business class (billed annually) for new Trello customers.
  2. How do I redeem the offer?
    1. You need to receive an email from Slack. Offer code is delivered via email from Slack.
  3. How long is the offer available?
    1. The offer from Trello is available until July 1, 2021.
  4. I’m already a Trello Business Class customer, am I eligible?
    1. Existing customers of Trello Business class are not eligible for this offer.
  5. What are the integrations between Slack and Trello?
    1. Slack and Atlassian have several product integrations. Learn more here:
  6. Can we purchase a Slack subscription from Atlassian?
    1. Atlassian does not sell Slack directly to customers. Subscriptions for Slack can be purchased directly from the Slack team.